Friday, 21 August 2020

Teaching Kids Safety Rules for Riding the Best Kids Bicycle in India

When it comes to teaching kids to ride a bicycle, parents must not only teach their young ones about balancing and handling the bike to ride easily but also about the safety rules. Whether your kid is riding their bicycle in the neighbourhood or commuting to school on their bicycle, it is important for them to keep in mind and follow the road safety rules so they can not only enjoy their rides but also stay safe. Here are some of the basic rules you must teach your kids for riding the best kids bicycle in India with ease:

1.When cycling, you must always ride on the dedicated path for cyclists or on the sidewalk. Even if the child is older than 10 years of age and can ride independently, they must only ride on the road in case of an absolute necessity.

2.Teach your kids to use the proper hand signals and to sound the bell when they are trying to cross another rider and when making turns or changing lanes.

3.Every rider must check carefully before crossing an intersection. The simple rule of following the traffic lights is mandatory, as is the ‘Stop, Look, Go’ rule which always comes in handy.

4.Children on cycles must never try to compete with automobiles on the road as it can be dangerous for them. They must stick to their own lanes and ride at a comfortable speed.

5.Cycling must always be done in the direction of traffic and never in the opposite direction. Children must learn that trying to ride against oncoming traffic can be dangerous for their safety and it must be avoided.

6.Small children must be encouraged to walk their cycles through intersections and never try to cross on their own.

7.Teach your kids to always put on their protective gear before they step out on their bicycle. They should strap on their helmet securely and put their elbow and knee pads in place when taking their cycle out for a spin.

8.Kids riding with friends might be tempted to try out stunt on the road on their cycles. Make sure you tell your children to avoid them as they can lead to injuries.

Gift your child the best kids bicycle in India from one of the leading makers of cycles in the country - Kross Bikes. Kross offers a range of versatile, colourful and safe cycles for the little ones on which they can ride around and enjoy.

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